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Reiki: Traditional Usui,
Tibetan & Contemporary

(Sessions & classes – in-person & distance)

Reiki is a universal system of natural healing that reawakens your innate healing capabilities through reestablishing the proper energy flow within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is the grandfather of most modern energy healing systems, and is also included in many methods being taught today that have evolved from basic Reiki.

Reiki has three levels that are taught by many teachers  in three or four classes, and by others in one or two classes. Sometimes  I combine my Traditional Usui, Tibetan and Contemporary Reiki classes with my Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki (SSR) classes. However, I also teach Reiki by itself individually and in groups. Please contact me for additional information about this opportunity if you are interested in learning Reiki.

"All energy healing is based on the idea that energy and consciousness underlie the physical and biochemical structures of the body (and the entire world). Healers say this energy and consciousness surround and permeate our bodies. It is more primary than our physical, material self, the template out of which our physical bodies and experiences arise." 

-Diane Goldner
How People Heal: Exploring the Scientific Basis of Subtle Energy in Healing


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PLEASE NOTE: Please continue to follow the recommendations of your healthcare providers as the offerings provided at HeartPath complement rather than substitute for medical and psychological care. If you are seeking such services, please contact your state's medical or psychological board for a referral.
© 1999 and forward, Diane Ruth Shewmaker, HeartPath Center and Celestial Wellspring.
All Rights Reserved.